Here you will find general information about obtaining a student visa, information differing in origin country (if the information does not appear here, ask us, we have our legal assistents!)

Preparation for DELE Exams

Official certificates are very useful for your resume since they certify your language level. With a little dedication you will achieve international recognition for all your efforts. In addition, passing the DELE A2 is essential to obtain Spanish nationality.

We have specific courses designed especially for the preparation of this type of exam. We will advise you as much as possible about the exams and we will try to help you pass the test. Remember that there are specific dates for the exams, so you must schedule a study plan well in advance.

Our DELE preparation course teachers are also accredited DELE examiners. We currently have the preparation groups below.

DELE B1-C2 Preparation
Friday, 2:30 p.m. to 4:20 p.m.

Limited places. Please contact us for more information.

Do you want more about DELE exams? Click here.

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