Centro acreditado: C/Avinyò 50 más su aulario C/Comtessa de Sobradiel 4 y Plaça del Duc de Medinaceli 6. C/Neptú 32 en trámite de acreditación.


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Arraigo Social | Catalan courses

Quieres más información sobre los cursos para ARRAIGO?

BCNLIP is a school where you can take 45-hour Catalan language courses and obtain a valid certificate to request arraigo social.

Arraigo or “rooting” means ‘to take root’ in a place that is not your country of origin; that is, to integrate in a foreign country. Therefore, a report of social roots is a document that certifies your social integration in Catalonia. For this reason, it is essential to learn the local language and culture. It is important that you understand that the purpose of these courses is not to obtain a certificate, but to expand the interest and knowledge about the place where you are going to put down roots.

If you are a foreigner living in Catalonia and you have not yet managed to communicate with Catalan people as you would like, this course will help you feel more integrated. We work on the oral Catalan necessary for everyday life so that you can end up having a basic conversation. On the other hand, we help you understand different social and cultural aspects of Catalan life. At the end of the course we will give you a certificate of achievement, provided that you have attended all the classes and have achieved the communicative objective.

On the other hand, if you were born in a non-Spanish language country and you are preparing your report for arraigo social, the Generalitat de Catalunya requires an official certificate of level A1 or higher issued by the Department of Education, by another competent public body or by entities in agreement with said organizations. If you do not have any of these certificates, you can certify a minimum training of 45 hours through a certification issued by the Department of Education or by any other competent body such as BCNLIP. 


  • Start date: March 3, 2025
  • Mode: on-site / online
  • Days: Monday to Friday
  • Schedule: 19:00 – 21:15
  • Duration: 4 weeks
  • Price: € 240
  • Limited time offer: online course for only € 199!
  • Limited spots

Our Catalan teachers

Elisenda Torrell Cascallo
Ferran Andreu
Nerea Yera
Lluís Pérez
Gagandeep Singh
Xavier Escudé
Estefania Montero
Victor González

Meet your Arraigo course teacher: Gagandeep Singh

Gagandeep Singh was born in Amritsar Sahib, in the Punjab. There he studied computer science and worked in the family business. He has lived in Barcelona for 12 years. He is an intercultural mediator and works for various entities such as Barcelona City Council and the Generalitat de Catalunya. He is also a spokesman for the Sikh Community of Catalonia. He has written a book entitled “Those of five rivers in Catalonia” which aims to facilitate the learning of Catalan. He likes languages ​​and that is why he speaks seven languages. For Gagandeep, his philosophy of life is based on the three fundamental pillars of Sikhism: Meditation, work and sharing.

At the end of your course, you will learn enough Catalan to hold a basic conversation and you will receive a certificate for your arraigo report. It is essential to attend the 45 hours of the course and pass the final oral interview.

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