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Credit System and Certification

At BCNLIP, your academic progress is measured in credits, which are accumulated through regular attendance and the passing of exams and assignments. Approximately every three months, you can accumulate 20 credits. The distribution of credits per course is as follows:

Curso Días Créditos
Curso General Lunes a Jueves 8
Talleres de Gramática y Conversación 6
Clases de Inmersión Viernes 3
2 Talleres del Viernes / DELE 3
Total: 20

Credit Distribution: Your attendance in classes is essential to earn credits. Each course or workshop has an exam or assignment that takes place approximately every three months, usually at the end of each level. If you attend regularly and pass these exams or assignments, you will receive the corresponding credits. The final decision to grant credits rests with the teacher of each course, independent of the teachers of other courses.

Certificate: Once you have accumulated enough credits, you will be able to obtain a certificate of achievement. The school administration will inform you when it is ready for you to collect. You will need to accumulate at least 80% of the total credits to obtain your final certificate.

Duración del Curso Créditos Máximos (100%) 80%
6 a 8 meses 40 32
9 a 11 meses 60 48
12 meses 80 64

If you have your key exam or assignment scheduled within the first 3 months of your course, the required credits to advance will be adjusted proportionally.

If you plan to start the renewal of your residency before completing the full course, the required credits will be reviewed by the administration.

Renewal Example: If you start from scratch and your course lasts for 1 year, you can obtain a maximum of 80 credits. If you decide to start the process of renewing your residency 2 months before the completion of your course, you should have accumulated up to 60 credits. As you need to complete 80% of the course to pass it, 48 credits would be sufficient.

Honor Student: Your certificate will include a grade of “pass.” If you manage to obtain between 90% and 100% of the credits, you will be recognized with “honor student”, which will allow you to obtain a letter of recommendation for your resume.

Credit Recovery: If you do not accumulate enough credits during your course, you will not be able to obtain the Certificate of Achievement. In this case, you will need to take additional classes to recover the missing credits. The administration will help you develop a personalized recovery plan to ensure that you can meet the credit requirements.

Credit Recovery Option – Cineclub or Yoga (3 credits):

Cineclub – Every Friday at 6:30 PM at the school on Plaza del Duc de Medinaceli, we gather to watch a Spanish film and discuss it with teacher Juan Alfonso, who is in charge of curating the films and was a programmer, presenter, and host of a film club debate at the multidisciplinary center La Matriz in downtown Bilbao during 2017, called FilmoteKa Bilbao. He also participated and collaborated with the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid in 2019 in the programming of a film series. Signing up is mandatory in order to participate, you may sign up here in case there are spots available. All levels starting at A2.

Yoga – Engaging with Spanish through physical activity provides an immersive experience: the living language, beyond the textbook. This type of experience allows you to learn out of necessity, focuses your mind on what you’re hearing, and emphasizes the importance of that language. The classes will be taught by Alexa Kalinina, the creator of Kalinayoga, a yoga method that incorporates elements from other disciplines, such as psychology and medical massage. It’s an approach to yoga that concentrates on the mental aspect, accessed through the body. All levels starting at A2.

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