Centro acreditado: C/Avinyò 50 más su aulario C/Comtessa de Sobradiel 4 y Plaça del Duc de Medinaceli 6. C/Neptú 32 en trámite de acreditación.


Here you will find general information about obtaining a student visa, information differing in origin country (if the information does not appear here, ask us, we have our legal assistents!)

Community guidelines

1- Profile and organization of the courses

2 – Punctuality

3 – Mobile phone usage

4 – Camera use on Zoom

5 – Students both with and without the need for visas. Attendance to courses

6 – Language of use

7 – Continuous assessment and final exams

8 – Eating in class

9 – Respect and care for the educational space

10 – Respect for the environment

Points to consider: Sanctions will have an educational and reparative character. They will ensure respect for all students and their rights, always seeking, to the extent possible, the agreement and understanding between the affected parties. Their primary goal will be to repair the harm caused and to teach the student about the consequences of their actions, offering the opportunity to learn and grow from such an experience.

The Bcnlip Management will apply the sanctions they deem appropriate, taking into account various factors to ensure a fair and proportional response to the offense committed. Some are:

  • Age of the student: The sanction will focus more on education and correction than on penalization.
  • Personal, family, and/or social circumstances: The individual circumstances of the student, including their family and/or social environment, will be taken into consideration to evaluate and determine the appropriate response.
  • Mitigating factors: Some actions can reduce the severity of the offense committed. These can include acknowledging the offense, repairing the harm caused, apologizing, and/or performing tasks within the school setting that demonstrate a willingness to make amends.
  • Aggravating factors: Certain actions can increase the severity of the offense, including premeditation, planning, and/or recurrence; indifference to them, and when the actions harm or damage fellow students and/or members of the educational community. Any form of discrimination will be considered severe.

Offenses and sanctions

Minor offenses

Serious offenses

Protocol against sexual harassment and gender-based harassment

1- Introduction and justification of the issue of sexual harassment and gender-based harassment. Importance of applying the protocol

2- Definition of sexual harassment

2.1- Gender-based harassment

3- Laws and regulations in force at international, European and state level

4- Action in the event of sexual harassment and/or gender-based harassment for the entire bcnlip group: communication and steps to follow. Instances and figures of intervention

5- Preventive measures, proactive or procedural measures, reactive and/or corrective measures

At the BCNLIP Group, we are committed to creating and maintaining a safe and respectful environment for everyone in our community. If you have been a victim of sexual harassment, have witnessed a harassment situation, or have any concerns you’d like to discuss, we offer a safe space where you can share your report or concerns.

This form is available for submitting anonymous reports, ensuring your identity remains confidential if you choose. Your well-being is our priority, and we are here to support you and take the necessary steps to ensure your safety and provide ongoing assistance.

Reportar | Report Seguimiento | Follow up

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