Here you will find general information about obtaining a student visa, information differing in origin country (if the information does not appear here, ask us, we have our legal assistents!)


Have a look at what our students say about us!

María y Douglas

The students of the month are María and Douglas. They are from Venezuela and they are studying Catalan with us. Here you can get to know a little more about them.

Shailesh Kharel

He is from India and has been in Barcelona for a year, where, aside from studying at BCNLIP, he also studies Administrative Management – and he is a professional soccer player too!

Amanda Rossi

Amanda Rossi is from Brazil. She’s been studying at Bcnlip for only 4 months and already speaks Spanish very well!

Love Ekbeck

Love Ekbeck is an awesome girl from Sweden who was also one of the winners of the night visit to La Pedrera!

Aidin Ziai

Aidin Ziai is from Iran.
He speaks Spanish very well, even though he’s been studying at Bcnlip for only 7 months!

Duygu Gürbüz

Duygu Gürbüz is from Turkey. She’s been studying at Bcnlip since February. She’s an awesome chick who’s won as a prize two entrances to the Human Bodies exhibition.

Elisa Martins

Elisa Martins is from Brazil. She is an industrial engineer, has been in Barcelona for five months now and is one of the winners of our gastronomy contest.

Eldar Sharafutdinov

Eldar Sharafutdinov is from Kazakhstan.
Apart from being a very good student, he was one of the winners of the video contest!

Yan Ma

Yan Ma is one of the winners of the Sant Jordi Literary Contest. And check this out: not only she wrote a text in Spanish, but also another one in Catalan for the contest!

Click here for more interviews with our students!

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