Centro acreditado: C/Avinyò 50 más su aulario C/Comtessa de Sobradiel 4 y Plaça del Duc de Medinaceli 6. C/Neptú 32 en trámite de acreditación.


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Oct 2018 Steinrós Birta Kolbeins


1- Could you introduce yourself? Tell us who you are, where you are from and what you do.

My name’s Steinrós, I’m from Iceland and I’m 20. I have a younger brother. He lives over there with my mother, but I live here in Barcelona, with my father. Before getting here, I worked as a manager in a taxi company. I studied in Menntaskólinn við Hamrahlíð, where I studied English, sociology, history and biology. Now, I’m only studying Spanish in BCN Lip.

2- How long have you been living in Barcelona? Why did you choose this city?

I arrived 6 weeks ago. My father moved a year ago and he invited me to live with him. I want to study criminology here but I first need to learn Spanish. I came to Barcelona for 10 days in May and I met my boyfriend, who lives here. So it was an easy decision. Barcelona is a really lively city, well-connected and really lovely. People are so friendly and it’s always sunny. It’s very different from Iceland.

3- Barcelona is a city full of interesting places, is there a place you particularly like?

Yes, I love the really old houses in the centre and the Gothic Quarter. Also, I go to the park a lot every week. Ciutadella Park is my favourite park.

4- You’re currently studying Spanish in BCNLIP. We imagine Spanish is very different from Icelandic, what do you like most about our language? What’s the most difficult for you?

Sounds. The fact that what you hear is what you write. It’s easy for me to speak this language with a good accent. The grammar is complicated but I like all the rules.

5- Let’s speak about BCNLIP a little, what do you like most about us?

I like the teachers a lot. They’re fantastic! Classes are varied and interesting. The best thing is there are only a few students per class, it’s very convenient.

¡Muchas gracias! Thank you!

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