Here you will find general information about obtaining a student visa, information differing in origin country (if the information does not appear here, ask us, we have our legal assistents!)


7 May ¿Mola?

“¿Qué te mola de Barcelona?” Do you know how to answer this question? Our teacher Hernán explains to us the verb “molar” and how it’s used in Spain.

6 May May: Month of the Arts

Goodbye Month of Sant Jordi, welcome Month of the Arts! Here is the program for the immersion classes in May: they will be video workshops with our teacher Valeria 🥰🎥

We look forward to seeing you at the workshops and to watch your videos! Also, there will be a prize for the best videos: a 6 month gift card for either HBO or Netflix! 🤩


6 May New free online class!

New free online class on our YouTube channel! Today you’ll learn the verb to be in Spanish. Click to watch, give the video a thumbs up and share it with your friends 💻😍💃

6 May Next immersion class

On the immersion classes in May we will practice the Month of the Arts on a video workshop with our teacher Valeria. It will be awesome! 🎥
✔️Please send an e-mail to to join the classes. There will be an award for the best videos, we’ll tell you more about it later on today 🤩

5 May Spanish for healthcare workers

En nuestra preocupación porque sanitarios y pacientes extranjeros que no hablan español sean atendidos de forma correcta, BCNLIP ha diseñado un curso de 10 horas lectivas para poder practicar de una forma básica temas relacionados con la salud y la visita al médico. Está pensado para los niveles A2-B1, pero niveles más avanzados o más básicos también pueden animarse a realizar este curso.


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