Here you will find general information about obtaining a student visa, information differing in origin country (if the information does not appear here, ask us, we have our legal assistents!)


4 Jul Month of nature

Goodbye to the month of gastronomy, welcome to the month of nature! Don’t miss our immersion classes of this month and remember: Learning a language is living it!

3 Jul Dirty Babel

The event of this Friday: Dirty Babel: Golfa Session!

Everything you wanted to know about Spanish (and other languages), but you never dared to ask. Night to break taboos and break down barriers with “the tongue”.

Do you want to participate?
The school will reward your courage.

Ask at reception.
July 6, 9.00pm: Baixada de Sant Miquel, nº3-5

2 Jul Sala Montjüich – cinema a la fresca

Last Friday we went to the Montjüich to watch movies in the open air cinema. There was a concert before the movie and some of our students prepared tapas for the picnic.

Thanks to Serena Morandi for the pictures!


29 Jun Para este fin de semana

Para fin de semana:
Os venís esta noche a ver una película en Montjuïch, os pasáis por el festival de flamenco para ver a Jero en Nou Barris y, de fiesta a tope para celebrar el Orgullo!

1. Picnic + sesión de cine en Montjüich: ya sabéis que hemos quedado a las 19.45 en BCNLIP. Habrá un concierto antes de la película y ya tenemos preparado el picnic: burritos de guacamole con salmón, de pollo con salsa tzatziki, sándwich de tortilla de patatas con salsa brava y sándwich de atún con olivas y pimientos del piquillo. Lo han preparado algun@s de nuestr@s estudiantes con mucho, mucho amor. Acuérdate de traer una manta o toalla para sentarse.

2. Festival de Flamenco en l’Estiu al pati: nuestro querido Jero Férec actúa en este festival de flamenco gratuito donde aparecen grandes estrellas del flamenco como Mayte Martín. Un festival de flamenco de toque feminista. ¡Mucha suerte Jero, ahí estaremos!…/el-flamenco-vuelve-a-nou-barri…

3. Pride Barcelona 2018: ¡disfrutad de un programa genial para este año!

29 Jun Teacher of the month

Here is our super teacher of Spanish and our teacher of Spanish Culture master class, Carlos. He worked in the Ministry of Culture of his country as a trainer for the development of reading and writing strategies for children and young people. Then he studied literature: Hispanic Philology and specialized in the editing of the written texts. In 2015 he got a diploma in Creative Writing at Caro y Cuervo Institute in Bogotá, and is currently studying the Master’s Degree in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language in Professional Fields at the University of Barcelona. It’s an honour to have him in our team!


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