Here you will find general information about obtaining a student visa, information differing in origin country (if the information does not appear here, ask us, we have our legal assistents!)


31 Jan Teacher of the month

Here is our super teacher of Spanish Mónica. She graduated in Political Sciences at UAB and specialised in Cultural Politics and got a Masters in Cultural Administration at UB. She has been working at BCNLIP since 2018. It’s an honour to have her in our team!

31 Jan Teacher of the month

Here is our super teacher of Spanish and Catalan Jordi. He has a bachelor’s degree in Portuguese and Spanish Philology from the UB. Master of Teaching Foreign Languages from the University of Lisboa. He started his professional career as a Spanish and Portuguese teacher in 1999. He has been working at BCNLIP since 2010. It’s an honour to have him in our team!

30 Jan Immersion classes

Don’t miss our immersion class this Friday and remember: Learning a language means living it!

9.30 Niveles A1.2-A2.1

11.40 Niveles A2.2-C2

Clase de flamenco

En la primera parte de esta clase, nuestro profesor Jero Férec, músico, cantante y bailador, ofrecerá una charla sobre la historia y el desarrollo del flamenco en España. Posteriormente, dará un taller para aprender a bailar los principales pasos y movimientos del flamenco.

30 Jan New courses

Do you know that we are starting a new course of Catalan A1 and Spanish A1 on February 4? Why don’t you join?

28 Jan Immersion class

Las Friday we had an immersion class about the hiking in Catalunia. We learned a lot about the catalan geography and some of it´s most famous mountains. Are you ready for the next one?

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