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30 Apr Teachers of the month

Here are our super teachers of Spanish Carlos & Valeria.

Carlos graduated as a librarian in 2004 at the University of Antioquia, and worked in the Ministry of Culture of his country as a trainer for the development of reading and writing strategies for children and young people. Then he studied literature: Hispanic Philology and specialized in the editing and correction of written texts. In 2015 he completed a diploma in Creative Writing at Caro y Cuervo Institute in Bogotá, and is currently studying the Master’s Degree in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language in Professional Fields at the University of Barcelona.

Valeria graduated from the Literature Department at the National University of Colombia, where she got a master’s degree in Creative Writing. She has worked since 2007 in Bogotá, on the Colombian Pacific Coast and now in Barcelona as a teacher of reading and writing for children, youth and adults in libraries, schools, parks, marketplaces, prisons and hospitals. She is currently finishing the Master’s Degree in Advanced Studies in Spanish and Latin American Literature, and is doing a research in autobiographical and literary writing.

It’s an honour to have them in our team!

29 Apr Literature competition

Friday was a great day: we read the fantastic texts of our students, ate churros with chocolate and heard the poems and songs of the Andalusian poet José Luis Ruiz Castillo. Here are our winners: the audience: basic level: Giselle Kozan de Oliveira; intermediate level: Amany Elmeligy. Prize of the jury basic level: Erin Untereiner; intermediate level: Lori Cable. Many thanks to everyone for your participation and congratulations to the winners!

26 Apr For this weekend

Para este fin de semana, mucho, mucho cine y, un poco de sevillanas y tapas andaluzas. Why not?

1. Feria de Abril 2019:

no faltarán las sevillanas, el baile, la diversión, el famoso rebujito de la feria y todo tipo de comida para reponer fuerzas entre sevillana y sevillana.

2. MUT Palo Alto: Sherlock Holmes:

El objetivo de los organizadores es que el público “experimente el contraste entre los ritmos musicales actuales y el cine mudo”.El acceso a las proyecciones será gratuito, previa inscripción en la página web de la Fundación Palo Alto, y se ofrecerán a las doce del mediodía.

3. Festival Internacional de cine de Barcelona- Sant Jordi:

propone una selección de películas del panorama internacional relacionadas en un sentido amplio con la literatura y/o la historia. Siguiendo este criterio, la programación de la Sección Oficial está dedicada, de manera preferente, a las adaptaciones de obras literarias, las producciones con trasfondo histórico y los filmes biográficos sobre grandes personalidades.

24 Apr Event of the month

The event of the month is this Friday! Here you can read all the stories:
And may the best story win!

23 Apr ¡Feliz día de Sant Jordi!

Hoy ha sido el día del amor y la literatura en Cataluña. Alguno de nuestr@s alumn@s han buscado dragones por las calles, han besado a librer@s, han pedido autógrafos, han buscado poemas de amor y han encontrado la leyenda de St. Jordi. Como premio, los que mejor lo han hecho, han recibido una rosa. ¡Feliz día de Sant Jordi!

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