Here you will find general information about obtaining a student visa, information differing in origin country (if the information does not appear here, ask us, we have our legal assistents!)


24 Mar Round of applause

Every evening at 8 pm we show our gratitude towards healthcare workers, who are giving their lives on the fight against coronavirus in Spain. Join us!

24 Mar New final quarantine date in Spain

The government announced on the weekend a new provisory date for the end of the state of alarm in Spain. Therefore we will remain doing only online courses until the new final date. Take care and keep your hands clean!

23 Mar Interview in Mexico

Today at 4 pm (Barcelona time) a student of ours, Jeremy Furlan (Paco), will give an interview to a Mexican radio about his experience through the quarantine period here in Spain because of coronavirus. You can click here to listen to it.

23 Mar Song and lyrics: “En Joan Petit quan balla”

This video has gone viral on social media. They’re policemen from Mallorca singing the song “En Joan Petit quan balla”. There are some typical characteristics of the Mallorcan catalan on this version, do you recognize them?

23 Mar Article of the week

Click here to read the article of the week. Please read it and debate it in class.

Palabras claves:
Encierro, brindar una oportunidad, ” el día de la marmota”, “echar un vistazo”, estrechar las relaciones, picoteo, inculcar.

¿Qué consejos se nos dan para mantenernos en forma física y psicológica?
¿Qué es lo más importante que debemos hacer estos días de confinamiento para no caer en el ” día de la marmota”?


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