Here you will find general information about obtaining a student visa, information differing in origin country (if the information does not appear here, ask us, we have our legal assistents!)


15 Apr Solidarity campaign

BCNLIP has started a campaign along with other schools to provide free interprets to healthcare workers and patients. Services will be made by a group of volunteers from all schools (teachers and students), who will provide their help through Whatsapp or e-mail. Thank you so much to all of you who have joined this campaign!
If you also want to be a volunteer, please write us at If you know any healthcare workers or people that need help, please ask them to get in touch with us.

14 Apr Philosophy workshop

During the Easter holidays our students had a blast with various online activities by BCNLIP. Among them was the workshop “Cultura y Filosofía”, which is back! Here is a brief reflection on it by one of the participants, our student Polina Kovaleva.

14 Apr New groups

We’re on quarantine, but the online classes are still full on! Here are the students of the A1 Spanish group, who have classes with Ferran and Javier, and the A1 Catalan group, who have classes with Jordi and Marc.

14 Apr New free Spanish online class

Hello everyone! Here is our third video of the free Spanish course! Remember to share it with your friends and family! We would greatly appreciate it if you could like the video and leave any comment! Each like and each comment help us a lot to promote the video. Thank you!

14 Apr Article of the week

Click here for the article of the week. Please read it and debate on the online classes.

Palabras claves:
Privatizar, orden ejecutiva, consenso, expropiar, “en aras”, ” de manera fructífera”, hito, gravilla.

¿Cómo justifica Trump su medida tomada en plena pandemia?
¿Por qué interesa tanto la Luna, qué hay detrás de todo ello según el artículo?

¿En qué te hace pensar esta carrera por explotar los recursos ” lunares”?
¿ Qué opinas sobre esta noticia en plena pandemia?
¿ Te sorprende?

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