Here you will find general information about obtaining a student visa, information differing in origin country (if the information does not appear here, ask us, we have our legal assistents!)


10 Фев Article of the week

Here is the article of the week for you guys to read and debate in class. The text is about this month’s movie, Tacones Lejanos, which we will watch on Friday 🤩

Palabras clave: »Relación tormentosa», nudos, turbias, rencores, resurgir, opresión, arrepentimiento, reconciliarse.


6 Фев Playlist on Spotify

Do you know the greatest karaoke hits in Spain? On our Music Month playlist you can check them out and train a bit for this month’s event, a karaoke night! We’ll let you know more about it soon, it’s going to be awesome!

Follow the playlist at 🎼🎤🎧

5 Фев Soccer coach on immersion class

To learn a language means to live it! Last Friday on immersion class we had the visit of soccer coach Marcel Armengol, who told us about the tradition of soccer in Spain and the history of Barça. Here is some of what went on.

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